Fix appliances yourself when they are broken? This can be difficult for consumers if they are not technically inclined. Since 2021, the “Right to Repair” has existed throughout the European Union. Whether it’s a laptop, a phone or the coffee maker, it saves the buyer a lot of hassle and expense if it can be repaired yourself. And as a manufacturer, you can facilitate this.
But do your customers know how to make such a repair? Explanations through an animated video can help with this.
what is Right to Repair?
Right to Repair means adding a set of rules that make it easier for consumers to repair, reuse and recycle their own equipment. This includes making it mandatory for each product to indicate how easy it is to repair, how durable it is and how long the expected life of the product is.
Right to Repair and sustainability
Right to Repair gives many manufacturers an initial incentive to design equipment that is sustainable, energy efficient and recyclable. Moreover, this sustainable approach also contributes to customer experience and marketing goals. Especially when, as a manufacturer, you explain to your customers how they can repair your products themselves when it breaks down. Bet they will pass this on.
Watch it with animation
We can’t think of an easier and more effective way to flesh out Right to Repair than through an explainer animation video. The animation makes the process visual and the voice-over provides an opportunity to give clear explanations and go through the repair step by step. This combination of hearing the information while seeing the actions often works effectively.
Having such an animation video made is quite a process. After all, you want to keep this as simple as possible. Even people without technical aptitude should be able to follow it. After seeing the video, they can successfully perform the repair. A professional video agency can support you in this.
Cheaper and simpler
Why should you go for an animation instead of a real life video? We’ll give you a few reasons. Consider, for example, actors. You don’t need them when making an animation video, which saves money (and time). You save on hiring an actor and hiring a studio. Plus, you don’t have to build a set, rehearse and all be there at the same time.
Countless possibilities
The new rules around Right to Repair, make it possible for your customers to repair appliances themselves. As a manufacturer, you can decide to support your customers in this. For example, with an animation video that explains how this works for your product. An animation gives endless possibilities in this regard. Flying tools or a talking laptop? No problem. In addition, you can easily adapt animations if there are changes in the product or the way it is repaired.
EVA and Right to Repair
Have you already used the Right to Repair rules to boost your customer satisfaction? A great way to do this is by using animation video that explains the repair process. EVA is happy to help you through the entire process from start to finish when creating an animation video.