
Riskchanger is the contemporary software and knowledge platform to monitor and improve the quality of education.

The challenges of Riskchanger

Riskchanger is a wonderful tool to monitor and improve processes within educational institutions. However, due to the many functionalities, the operation and the advantages of the tool require necessary explanation. An animated explainer video would be the perfect solution for this, but because it would cover many different topics, a user-friendly solution had to be found.

Interactieve animatievideo Jurist & Bewind - EVA Explainer Video Agency
Interactieve animatievideo Jurist & Bewind 3 - EVA Explainer Video Agency

The video solution

The solution that we have presented for this, is an interactive animation video. We start the video with a short intro, after which the viewer simply clicks on the subject he or she wants to know more about. This way, all functionalities and subjects are covered in 1 video, without the viewer having to view content that he/she is not interested in.

The reactions to Riskchanger’s interactive video are very positive, both among existing customers and new potential customers, who now quickly understand the possibilities of the platform.

Jurist & Bewind referentie animatievideo voor EVA Explainer Video Agency

Pieter Hazelhoff

Owner - Riskchanger

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