Interactive video possibilities for your organization

Video is booming! But what if we tell you that there is a way to make a video even better, more expressive and dynamic.

In this article, we will take you into the wonderful world of interactive video. We explain what it is, why you should think seriously about this and what the possibilities are for interaction within your videos. Naturally, later in this article a number of sample videos have also been added to explain the possibilities.

What is interactive or clickable video?

Interactivity is a relatively new feature in video land. Where previously the only piece of interaction with video was the fast forward, rewind, or pause, there are now many additional possibilities with the use of the right tooling. The name says it a bit, of course. Interactive videos allow the viewer to interact with the video. With interactive video we add clickable elements, such as links, buttons and forms. There is a difference between interaction within the video and interaction that links to an external source. This can be anything: a form for directly requesting a quote or a logo that links directly to a website. You can even let the viewer choose his or her own route through the video by indicating certain choices in the video. We will discuss the options in more detail later in this article.

Why an interactive video?

More results and engagement

A frequently heard desire from our customers, is that they want to achieve more engagement in order to ultimately generate more turnover. A video on your website is a very good start. It ensures that people stay longer (good for Google) and above all that your website remains on the top of their minds – as opposed to a website with only text and images. And what if I tell you that adding interactivity to video provides 3 to 4 times more engagement with your customers than a “normal” video. And can provide up to 20% more conversion. Perfect right?

Be more relevant

In addition, interactive video ensures that your communication will be much more relevant with your video content. Isn’t it annoying when you watch a video where large parts are not relevant to you as a viewer at all? This is a thing of the past with interactive video.

What are the possibilities of interactive video?

Of course you are waiting for this. The possibilities for adding interactivity to video are endless. In 99% of cases, having a potential customer to watch a video is not the main goal of an organization. Videos are the means to gain more leads, for example, to ultimately increase your sales. In the old situation, to achieve these goals, for example, you would add an end screen to your video that contains your website or phone number. With an interactive video you can take the next step with this.

Add a contact form, survey or quiz with interactive video

By adding a contact form, survey or quiz to your video, you can collect a lot of of data directly into the video. Think of the ‘Call to Action’ button that appears in the video, after which a contact form appears in the video by clicking. This makes it so much easier for your potential customer to leave data.

Add a clickable hotspot to video.

In addition, it is possible to add a so-called hotspot to your video that the viewer can click on. Literally any item in a particular scene can be made clickable. This can be, for example, in the form of a downloadable PDF or a pop-up with extra information that may be relevant to the viewer at that time. If they don’t click on it, then the video just continues.

Pop-up screen in the video

We mentioned it above: a pop-up with extra info. Imagine seeing a hotspot in the video, for example on a product. Of course you cannot explain everything about a product in the video. The video simply becomes too long. But by making a product clickable through a hotspot, a pop-up can appear as soon as it is clicked on. The video is paused in the background and in this pop-up we see more information about the product. You can even add a button with “buy direct” or show a video of how the product works.

Chaptering: Add navigable chapters to your video

If your video is long and covers many different products, services or topics, it can be challenging to keep the viewer’s attention. In addition, often not all parts are interesting for all viewers.

Make it easy for your potential customer by adding navigable chapters to your video. This saves the valuable time of the viewer, because your customer can choose to view the parts that are of interest to him or her.
In any case, that is a great first impression of your organization!

Let your customers determine the route themselves through the video

This allows your video viewers to sit on the edge of their seats. Within the “Branching” feature within interactive video, they take matters into their own hands.

During the video, the viewer is shown various choices from which he must choose 1 option each time. Below you can watch the interactive video of EVA Explainer Video Agency, in which you can determine the route yourself. This video is about the services and explanation of EVA and how EVA works. A chapter “Interactive video” has also been added.

The example of the EVA interactive video is only 1 of many possibilities. For example, you can also give it a much more playful character and move more towards storytelling. Think of a main character who has to make certain choices which will influence the further course of the video.

A look into the brain of the video viewer

Curious which parts of your video are viewed the most? That is also clear with an interactive video. On the “back” we can easily see how viewers interact with your video and which parts appeal the most. This way you will learn more about your customers, so that you can adjust your strategy (and video) accordingly.

Is an interactive or clickable video suitable for your company?

In this blog we have tried to explain the possibilities of interactive video in a simple way. We believe that this emerging technology will greatly influence the world of video in the coming years. In any case, we think it is very cool to go along with this development and to be able to offer interactivity in our videos nowadays

Are you also enthusiastic? We are happy to explain the possibilities further and would like to think along on how we can make your video interactive in order to get even more out of your video.



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