5 tips to get the most out of working from home as a sales professional or entrepreneur

Do you usually go to your (potential) customers to have a face-to-face sales conversation? Unfortunately that is not possible right now.

Don’t sit back and don’t stop pushing your vision, but take this as an opportunity to digitize your sales mindset and explore other possibilities that you previously never got the time for.

Below, are 5 tips that you as a sales professional or entrepreneur can get started with.

1. Start with online prospecting

Perhaps the least favorite activity of sales people is: Prospecting. Logical, especially by telephone you interrupt your potential customer during his or her work. Something that not everyone, or let’s be honest, hardly no one appreciates. Nevertheless, it is very important! Prospecting ensures that your funnel remains well filled and that you can also have sales conversations in a few months’ time in which you close the deal. Now that the time of face-to-face sales conversations is being put on hold: put more time into prospecting! An animation Explainer video can help you with this and works perfectly as an online icebreaker on platforms such as LinkedIn. This way, your potential customer immediately sees what you can do for them and you have something to refer to in your chat conversation or upcoming telephone conversation.

2. Use LinkedIn’s opportunities

Be visible on LinkedIn! Your potential customers will be more active on LinkedIn than usual in the upcoming period. So make sure that they see your message by being visible. Without getting annoying, of course. It is important that you do not just send messages. Also try to contribute to posts from your connections and try to help people sincerely.

This is normally already appreciated, but will only be more the case at this time. We need to help each other and start thinking about what we can do for eachother.

3. Make use of the extra time of your (potential) customers

During this Corona crisis, anyone who has the opportunity, will work from home. Are your prospects or customers in this target group? Then chances are that they now have time to answer your phone call or email. Take advantage of this! Schedule a video call and discuss what you can do for your (potential) customers. Do you also have an explainer video ready? Then this is the ideal time to send it and for your target audience to watch your video. They certainly have the time now.

4. Pick up your “transfer projects”

We all know these projects. You know it’s good to get started on this one day, and it’s on your list or in your agenda, but somehow this project is always pushed over to next week. You were also simply too busy. Now is the time to take up these projects.

5. Read a good sales book

Everyone knows it’s super important to keep developing yourself. But if you come home after a busy day, your needs might be different. You might want to have quality time with your friends, partner and possibly children, want to watch your favorite Netflix series further and also have to do sports, then reading an informative book sometimes fails. This is the time. Grab an hour a day and allow yourself to search for new inspiration. We recommend Gap Selling by Keenan, which can be ordered through Bol, among others.



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