3 steps for more visitors to your website

The website stands. It is exactly as you expected. Attractive design, a nice logo and everything is clear. Only the number of visitors remains low. Still, a pretty essential component if you want a successful website. So what do you do? How do you generate more visitors to your website?

3 steps for more visitors to your website

In this blog, we reveal how to turn your website into a visitor magnet. And this in just three steps! We’ll give you practical tips for each section, so that your website will attract more visitors in no time.

Step 1: optimize your content

The text on your website is more important than you might think. If you optimize the text for search engines, you will then be more findable. It is also important to SEO-proof images and videos. It’s all about ranking as high as possible in search engines so that your target audience can find you.

Findability starts with good keyword research. This involves looking for the popular keywords in your industry and responding to them intelligently with your content. But be sure to combine keywords to meet your target audience’s search query. For example, you can combine animation video with experts and Amsterdam. This way you score on animation video, but you also respond to the search query of your target audience looking for an animation video expert in Amsterdam. Once you know what the ultimate keywords (combinations) are for your industry, you can get to work on the content on your website. Write SEO-proof and incorporate the keywords!

Five additional tips to optimize content on your website:

  1. Make use of a content schema
  2. Provide timeless content
  3. Write long content
  4. Provide an eye-catching title
  5. Enrich your content with videos and images

Step 2: promote your content

You have populated and SEO-proofed your website. You also use a content schedule, which means you regularly publish relevant content that matches your target audience’s search query. Now what?

Let the promotion begin! We have listed three ways that you can implement so that you attract more visitors to your website.

1. Email marketing

The advantage of email marketing is that you get your target audience right away. Your address list already consists of people who are interested in your company and content. If you activate these people through your emails, you are guaranteed additional visitors.

2. Use bloggers

You can also choose to promote your website through bloggers. Start by searching for blogs that fit your business. Once you have found blogs with similar topics, then you can contact the author. Make sure this is the right contact information! You can easily and quickly find this contact information through an email search tool, such as Hunter.io.

3. Share your content in communities

Online communities can also be a good place to reach your online audience and generate more visitors for your website. Once you find the right pages, you can reach your target audience directly. Consider Facebook groups, forums, Slack channels and Reddit, for example. Find the channels that are relevant to you.

Step 3: use social media

Social media can help build brand awareness. There are already many visitors here, so if you know how to appeal to them, you can entice them to visit your website. We offer five tips for applying this properly:

  1. Find out which social media platform your target audience can be found on
  2. Post at strategic moments
  3. Post engaging content, e.g. animated videos
  4. Analyze what your competitors are doing
  5. Take advantage of social advertising

Getting Started

Has your website become a visitor magnet after these three steps? Then you have taken care of good SEO content, apply e-mail marketing, have engaged bloggers for promotion and post your content in relevant communities. You also use social media for brand awareness. That way you not only have a beautiful website, but one with lots of visitors.

Want to discuss how video can help you get more visitors to your website? Then contact us with no obligation.



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